A discipleship group is a group of two or three followers of Jesus who have a desire to know God better. They are committed to meeting together weekly for one year and following the basic discipleship group structure below. (In the time of Covid, meeting in person may not be possible, but discipling can still occur meeting online or by phone.) 

Basic Discipleship Group Structure

· Commit to being a disciple of Jesus 

· Submit to each other 

· Learn Jesus’ words and ways together and practice them in your living

· Commit to doing the monthly practices 

· Look for others to disciple 

If you have formed a discipleship group, please register your group with the church so that we are able to send you regular encouragements and the monthly practices. (Register at office@cardigan.church

“Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.” 1 Thes 5:11 

Many people are feeling disconnected and need encouragement – ask God for the names of 5 people to encourage this month. And ask God for a specific Scripture verse for each one. Write them a note of encouragement and send it by post or email. 

As a disciple, you are practicing listening prayer and hearing God’s voice. And by responding, you are practicing walking as Jesus did – by the Spirit.