Three churches in Cardigan, St Mary’s Church, New Life Church and Mount Zion Church work together to hold a service on Good Friday as part of our celebration of Easter. This service is held at 12 noon on Prince Charles Quay in Cardigan (by Cardigan Castle and Cardigan Bridge) and is followed by refreshments – including hot cross buns – at New Life Church in Quay Street.
Good Friday commemorates Jesus being crucified, dying on a cross. We, as Christians, remember this because of all the good that resulted from Jesus’s death. What looked like a final defeat was actually a victory. Death was conquered because Jesus rose from the grave three days later. This means that if we become followers of Jesus, we don’t have to worry about death any more. And because Jesus is the Son of God, following him changes our lives now as well. If you want to find out what this could mean for you, contact one of the churches below or click here to find out about the Alpha programme where you can have your questions answered including why Jesus died and what this means for all of us.
You can find out more about each church here: