Mount Zion Baptist Church, Cardigan, is affiliated with the Baptist Union of Wales, the Evangelical Alliance, and the Pembrokeshire Baptist Association.
We believe in Jesus Christ:
- as the divine Son of God
- as the Saviour of all who trust in Him and in His atoning sacrifice at Calvary
- that, because of His resurrection, He is alive today and for evermore
- that He is the Truth in Person, and that the Bible is the inspired and infallible witness to that Truth
We believe in God the Father:
- the Creator of all that is
- the great Ruler of the universe who is before everything
- the God who is Love, from which springs the salvation found in Christ
- who loves all people and desires the salvation of every person
We believe in God the Holy Spirit:
- who works especially in the lives of all who believe, convicting, enlightening, and assuring of salvation
- who anoints and empowers believers so that they know the fullness of the Holy Spirit, and power for service
- who works in all the ‘body of Christ’ all over the world irrespective of denomination
- who is the Spirit of Truth and leads into all Truth as found in Christ and the Holy Scriptures